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About us 關於我們
Isabella Education Centre is established to nurture children’s language development. We believe that language learning at an early age is the best as we all know that every healthy baby is born with the ability to speak any language in the world. However, they start discarding sounds and words they don’t hear in their everyday environment. When they grow older, picking up a new language would become harder. We should take the great advantage of our children’s remarkable language learning ability while they are still in their critical period of language learning.
Our courses are designed by our founder, an expert in language and educational psychology. We believe that learning in this period is best when it is play based, therefore, art, music, songs and dancing are the ingredients incorporated to help nurture a love of learning language in our children.
Our mission is to provide children with an encouraging and rich language environment where their language learning skills would be equipped and their confidence in reading, writing, listening and speaking of the language could be built up.
伊紗貝拉『啟動寶寶語言天賦』。每個小孩出生時都被賦予了能說天下所有語言的能力。在 0 至 6 歲之間,每個正常的小孩都能在短短幾年間極速有效地學懂自己的母語,甚至多種語言(若爸爸說法文,媽媽說廣東話,爺爺說英文,婆婆說普通話,各人都用自己的語言跟她溝通,到5-6歲的時候,她就能說以上的各種語言。) 這種天才的學習本領是神奇的,只要你想想如果要一個大人移居到非洲一個部落,在4-6年間能夠完全學會那語言嗎?要是過了這天才語言學習期,許多人花了很大的努力也不能把英文學好。
我們的課程是由我們的創辦人, 一位教育心理學及語言學專家設計。我們深知透過遊戲的學習是最有效的, 所以我們的課程內容著意結合音樂、藝術、跳跳、唱唱以培養小孩對語言學習的熱愛。
Our Founder and Curriculum Director
  • 教育心理學碩士 (香港中文大學)
    Master of Philosophy in Educational Psychology (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • 語言學碩士 (香港城市大學)
    Master of Arts in Linguistics (City University of Hong Kong)
  • 社會科學心理學學士 (香港中文大學)
    Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • 課室英語拼音系列1,2,3作者 (教室出版社)
    The writer of the book series [CLASSROOM Phonics_Level 1-3] (Classroom Publications Ltd.)
  • 註冊教師 (教育統籌局)
    A registered teacher (Education and Manpower Bureau)
  • 資深教師擁有十多年教學經驗
    An experienced teacher serving in primary and secondary schools for more than a decade
  • 師資培訓講者 ,曾為以下機構提供專題訓練: Teacher Trainer for the following organisations:
    1. Support for secondary school students with specific learning difficulties (Education and Manpower Bureau 教育統籌局)
    2. 如何輔導有讀寫困難的中學生:教學建議 (Education and Manpower Bureau 教育統籌局)
    3. Presentation in pre-secondary school parent talk (Department of Health, Child Assessment Service 衛生署兒童體能智力測驗服務)
    4. Teacher seminar on the using of multisensory approach in the teaching of English (Education Department 教育署)
    5. 如何應用「讀寫樂- 小學生讀寫輔助教材」的英文單元研討會 (Education Department 教育署)
    6. Workshops on phonological awareness training for English teachers (Psychological Service (Special Education) Section, Education Department教育署心理輔導服務(特殊教育)組)
    7. Ways of organizing effective and fun phonics lesson (Classroom Publications Ltd. 教室出版社)
  • 持續進修 A lifelong learner
    Certificate of completion on
    1. EDB online foundation course in gifted education for teachers (Gifted Education Section, CDI, EDB)
    2. Effective use of e-resources for communication - tapping into student's creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving abilities (British Council Hong Kong)
    3. Phonological awareness training for primary one pupils (University of British Columbia & EDB)
    4. Poetry and technology - teaching with iTextbook "Poems and Songs" (BroadLearning Education (Asia) Ltd.)
    5. Learning English through short stories (EDB & British Council Hong Kong)
    6. Learning English through workplace communication (EDB & City University of Hong Kong)
    7. Workshops on catering for learner diversity in the English language curriculum (EDB & City University of Hong Kong)
    8. Learning English through social issues (EDB & City University of Hong Kong)
    9. Learning English through debating (EDB & City University of Hong Kong)
    10. Understanding and interpreting the new senior secondary curriculum for English teachers (EDB & The Hong Kong Institution of Education)
    11. Language development, learning disorders and brain plasticity (The Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology & Developmental Paediatrics)
Opening Hours
Mon to Wed :
by appointment
Thur to Fri :
14:00 to 18:00
Saturday :
9:00 to 18:00
Sunday / P H :
Please call for an appointment




6092 0787